Friday, January 16, 2009

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lung Cancer

Mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer that is usually caused by exposure to Asbestos. In the mesothelium cells develop. The mesothelium is the lining of most of your internal organs. You can even get Mesothelioma by washing someone's clothes who was in contact with asbestos on the job. Although it is more common if you were working on a site where asbestos was exposed. Although Mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer but is not ever caused by smoking tobacco. Signs and symptoms of Mesothelioma may not show up twenty to fifty years after the asbestos was exposed or the tiny asbestos particles were inhaled. Some symptoms of Mesothelioma are: chest pain, fluid surrouding the lungs, shortness of breath, wheezing, fatigue, or you might cough up blood. Severe cases of Mesothelioma can cause weight loss, a mass in the abdomen, bowel functioning problems, and even abdomen pain. To be checked for Mesothelioma you will have to have a CAT scan, an MRI, x-ray, and blood work (testing).
There are four types of asbestos that are on the job site that you could be exposed to. Those four are: crocidolite (blue), asmosite (brown), chrysotile (white), and anthophyllite (gray). Asbestos is a naturally occurring, crystallized mineral.
There are many treatments for Mesothelioma caused by asbestos.
-Unconditional Therapy

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