Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Alice's Restaurant II

Alice's Restaurant is a song wrote by Arlo Guthrie. The song is about protesting the Vietnam War and was part of the hippie movement. The restaurant is not just a song but is an actual place. The restaurant was owned by Alice Brock who was a good friend of Arlo Guthrie. The restaurant was made out of a church which Alice and her husband bought. The couple also lived in the church as well as ran a restaurant. As told in the song its about Alice and the restaurant thats why he names Alice's Restaurant.

The song all started on Thanksgiving in 1965 when Arlo and his friend went to Alice's house and picked up there garbage as a nice thing to do and was going to take it down to the dump. But not knowing that the dumb was closed on thanksgiving the two friends take it anyways. When they got there they then realized it was closed. So they took off back to the church and saw off a cliff two trash bags. And as said in the some instead of picking the bags up they just made the pill of trash bigger. After doing so the boys drive home and eat thanksgiving dinner with their friends at the church. The next moring Arlo gets a call from officer Obie from the police department. Obie asks if he had anything to do with the trash thrown out and Arlo says yes he sure did so he was asked to come down to the department for questioning. Arlo thinkin that he was just gonna tell him to go pick up the trash and to not ever do it again but as he got there he saw that wasn't just what was going to happen. He got there and realized that he was going to be arrested for littering. And as you all hopefully know that this was in the time of the Vietnam War just keep that in mind. Alight being the biggest crime in the last fifty years they used everything they could so that they could pin this crime on the boys. As we came into the court Obie had all sorts of pictures and stuff so that he could show the judge but when the judge walked in with a seeing eye dog Obie realized that the pictures weren't gonna help him in any way. At the end the boys were just fined $50 and had to pick up the trash in the snow.

After that he went to New York to the draft building and went in and they shot him down and made him feel bad and sent him to the shrink and he told the shrink he wanted to kill, kill ,kill and the sargent told him that he was thier boy and sent him down the hall. As he walked further and further down the hall he finally came to the last guy where he asked him have you ever been arrested and of course Arlo told him the story of the Alice's Restaraunt Massacre and the man told him to go sit with group w. There on that bench say's Arlo were mother rapers, father stabbers and father rapers. The sargent came in and told everyone on the bench to write what the crime and all the details about it. As he was sitting there and wrote a harmony about the crime he had committed he looked on the othe side and the paper said "Kid, Have you rehabbilited yourself.

Arlo walked to the sargent and said i cant believe you asked if i have rehabbilited myself all i did was litter. Sargent reponded with "we dont like your kink, and we are gonna send your fingerprints to Washington D.C"

Said in the song "the only reason i'm writing this song is because if you ever see yourself in this situation or know someone in this kind of situation to just walk into the shrinks office and sing you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaraunt and walk out. In doing this the shrink will think your really sick and they wont take you but if two walk in and sing it they will think your gay and they wont take you but if three do it then they will think your in an organization and wont take you but if fifty do it that is a movement and thats what Alice's Restaraunt is about a movement". He feels that if you wanna end war and anything else you feel strongly against you must say your part out loud and proud and let everyone know about it.

Why Mr. N named the blog sight after this song i dont really know for sure but i can tell you why i think he did it. In my oppinion he named it after that because he wants us to say what we feel and no be ashamed of it, let people know what you feel and why you feel it. Have meaning to what you say and what you want people to know. In doing that i feel he thinks it will make us better writers because what we are writing we truely believe in that.


KATIE JO said...

I'd leave you a good, nice comment BUT NO you made me really mad!!!!
So I dont think You really applied yourself... Also you keep repeating yourself!!!!!!
your best friend =}

Cody Baldwin said...

Something that i did not know that the Vietnam war happend in 1959. That was a very long time ago. This blog is after a song that arlo guthrie wrote as he was trying to be drafted into the war. Thats very interesting to me.Good job

CoolChick09 said...

I thought you had an OK blog!
I thought the whole two people singing and being gay was dumb.
You could have wrote something else instead of going on and on about the same thing.

Senior 09 said...

yours was only ok .. better job next time...

"Shelby Cobra" said...

Your blog was ok but I really liked you answer to the last ?. You did a really good job on that! Keep it up!

Groovin Grace said...

I liked the picture you have,
and also how you imcorparated
a big piece of the song into your blog. Nice job yo.

Kayla Faucett said...

I'd say you did pretty well.. maybe a little more detail next time! =]

Mr. Neuburger said...

I really enjoyed ready the last half of your post. Your explanation for why I named the blog as I did demonstrated some excellent inferential skills, which I knew you possessed, but somehow have managed to not use in our classroom, and I really anticipate more of this sort of work as we progress through the year.