Alice M. Brock and her husband Ray Brock lived in the bell tower of the former Trinity Church on Division Street in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Alice was a painter and a designer, Ray was an architect and woodworker. Both worked at a nearby private academy from which Arlo Guthrie graduated. Arlo Guthrie was a friend of Alice and Ray, they allowed for Arlo and Rick to come join them in their home. Arlo and Rick got a brilliant idea on thanksgiving morning 1965, they decided to help the brocks out, by cleaning up there garbage out of the church. They drove to the city dump, and saw a sign which said closed for the holiday. Arlo decided to take it to this side road by the music camp, that he went to one summer. They drove up the hill and dumped it off the cliff. Then they drove back to Alice's Restaurant, and had a beautiful thanksgiving feast. Police Chief Obanhein came over to the Brock's home, and said he found a envelope with the name brock on it at the bottom of a bunch of trash. The two boys finally confesed to doing it as a nice gesture for the brocks. On November 26, 1965 officer obanhein took the boys off to jail. Soon the boys dear friend Alice showed up and called officer obanhein every name that came to her mind. She handed over the boys bail money and they went to court in the town of Lee. The boys pleaded Guilty, your honor," were fined $25 each and had to go pick the trash up they threw over the cliff.
A little bit after Arlo's arrest he got call, saying he is being drafted to the military. He went to check in and they called him unfit to be in the military. They claimed him unfit because of his arrest, and so now he's a free man. So know people who are trying to avoid a draft there's three ways. Burn your draft cards, flee the country and commit a crime. Before the draft call, Arlo and Rick had begun to write "Alice's Restaurant," and after the draft call Arlo finished it adding what had happened when he checked in to the military for the draft.
Alice's Restaurant is a song that Arlo Guthrie wrote,its 18minutes and 20 seconds long. Its a talk- song about a deadpan protest against the Vietnam War draft and widespread anti-hippie prejudice. Arlo Guthrie's famous song, was released in August 19, 1969, it was called Alice's Restaurant after his song.
Is alice's Restaurant a real place or not?
Alice's Restaurant is a real place in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. The restaurant is actually six miles from the church. Alice brock only owned the restaurant for one year before divorcing her husband Ray.
I think Mr. Neuberger picked Alice's Restaurant because he dumped a bunch of garbage to get out of something he didnt want to do. He's also into the hippie stuff. I pretty much don't know why he picked it just throwing something out there.
To read about Alice's Restaurant click here:
Fabulous Job Kenzi!
Im very impressed by ur blog yo.
You did an awesome job and great writing.... your not as cool as me but you did good...
love ya bunches
Alice's Restaurant is a real place in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. The restaurant is actually six miles from the church. Alice brock only owned the restaurant for one year before divorcing her husband Ray. I think that it is interesting how Alice only owned the resteraunt one year before divoring her husband. I wonder what happend??? Should of dug down deeper to find out why
Hey good job. I didnt kno that Alice and her husband worked at a nearby private academy.
You are very good at writing .. you knew the story.. you did a great job..
Fantastic job! =]
You were very knowledgable about Alice's Restaurant which just "goes to show" that you comprehended it well! go ken! =]
good job your the only one to incorporate a question into your blog Good Job!
i think the blog was pretty good i was really impressed of how you answered all the questions really precisely. Great Job!!!
You did a really good job! Keep it up!
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