Monday, November 10, 2008

Rabbit Lovers

Rabbit Lovers
N: Alice follows the rabbit down the hole.
R: Why are you following me lady?
A: Because you seem very interesting.
R: Well I am tired of you following me, so I will go on my way, “Don’t follow me.”
A: Fine I didn’t want to follow you anyways your just a stupid Rabbit.
R: Good, about time, noisy lady.
N: As Alice approached the tiny hole where the rabbit went she saw three glass bottles with tiny letters on them.
A: Hmmm I wonder what I should do. Should I turn around and go back or take the chance of drinking the glass bottles.
A: Well I feel like talking a chance!
N: Alice takes one of the glass bottles that had the letter R on it and drinks it and Alice turns into a hot rabbit.
A: O wow I’m look-in good. I’m a hot rabbit.
N: Alice followed the rabbit into the tunnel and has spotted the boy rabbit that told her when she was a lady to get lost.
R: Hey good looking who are you? Where you come from?
A: Well I came from the tunnel, where I have been for a long time.
R: Why didn’t you come talk to me then?
A: Because you told me to get lost?
R: oh my god is your name Alice?
A: Yes, it is I drank something in a glass bottle and now here I am.
N: As the rabbits talked and got to know each other they gradually made their way to a fork in the tunnel and saw daylight.
R: I see light again, let’s go I’m hungry.
A: Okay sounds good I’m starving.
N: The rabbits walked out of the tunnel and ended up by a house in a garden.
R: I’m going to the carrot patch.
A: Yum sounds good.
N: Both rabbits ate until they were stuffed then fell asleep.

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