Wednesday, October 1, 2008

End Of All Ends

10/6 is the price of the hat. The mouse sleeps all the time and is mistreated by the hatter and the haire. The cook brought the pepper to court because that is what the tarts are mostly made of. The Jury were writing there names so they wouldnt forget them because they were getting so much information. The reason Alice was growing was because her dream may be ending. It is important that Alice knows nothing and unimportant that she is there. The kings pun sarcatically mentions that the aurrea never throws a fit. Rule 42 says that "All persons more than a mile high must leave the court." We do not like the book because it is really hard to understand, but we do like it because some the charecters are really cool.

Steven Hill
Shelby Jones
Ashley Urtado

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